MPEG, a working group in ISO/IEC, has produced many important standards (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21). MPEG feels that it is important to standardize intermediate formats and protocols for “Information exchange with Virtual Worlds”, MPEG-V in the areas of “Data representations between virtual worlds” and “Data representations between virtual worlds and the physical world”.See the entire post here.
Monday, December 22, 2008
MPEG-V(irtual) step #2: A Call for Technology Proposal for Standards in Virtual Worlds
Thursday, December 11, 2008
PlayStation Home goes open beta
It looks awesome and full of possibilities (have a look at the plane sequence, please!), and they already have a strong partnership. Let's see if and how they handle content creation.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
No more Lively...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
VR-WEAR Second Life Head Analysis Viewer (Bringing emotions to your avatar)
VR-WEAR was created in 2008 to design engaging tools for virtual worlds following a simple equation :
Founded by a team of hardware and software experts, VR-WEAR will introduce new interaction paradigms to virtual worlds while opening them to the masses.
That's nice! Webcam Head-Tracking in Second Life.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Virtual Worlds SOS Q3-2008 State of Standards Slides
The slides from the London conference are here
This is an overview of Metavers1, Mpeg v and the grand effort of making standards for virtual worlds.
Have Fun.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saving lives in a virtual world
The call comes through. A young female has collapsed in the street outside a nightclub.
The paramedic is dispatched to the scene, parks his ambulance and starts to assess the situation.
The young woman appears drunk and is singing in a slurred way, but after an examination and blood and glucose tests the paramedic discovers she is also diabetic and in need of immediate treatment.
It's a testing scenario for a student paramedic, and one where there is the potential to make some dangerous errors.
Interesting scenario. You can read the whole article here.
Friday, October 24, 2008
LORIA / INRIA Nancy Grand Est (French Consortium)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Second Life launches Inmersive Spaces
I hope none of our usecases is affected xD!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Solipsis a Peer2peer virtual world platform
During the kick off Metaverse1 meeting I mention the existence of Solipsis that is a LGPL open source virtual world platform.
You may find all the information you need here
I you have still questions without response I will be glad to connect you with the Solipsis project leader.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Kick off is about to start... Jean is about to start ...
after 20 months, we are now starting... with about 34 firms we are about to start Metaverse1. More later...
So ...
1. Virtual worlds will be very big -- (metaverse is a technical term that means exactly the same).
2. But... to fulfill the potential we need "standards" -- to allow innovation.
3. So we want to do standards. How?
3.1. We have identified several use cases (what virtual worlds can do)
3.2 We will do a review of what standards are out there.
3.3 We will develop a framework system for the virtual worlds.
3.4 It will include a reference for the standards out there, as well as what is missing.
4. We will implement the case studies to test the standards.
5. The standards will be streamed into the work of ISO MPEG-V.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Virtual Worlds (SOS) State of Standards London Oct 20,21
Here's the abstract:
Virtual Worlds State of Standards (SOS):
MPEG-V, Metaverse1, Open-SIM and more
With Virtual Worlds development, we will enjoy a constant stream of innovations, creations, services, and products. Things like art, medicine, learning, and shopping will be enhanced by virtual galleries, home treatment clinics, learning kiosks and family owned stores. However, there is one major roadblock to this vision: lack of standards - hence the term SOS. On the Internet, we were able to overcome this block with a well-oiled open system of standards that facilitates innovation and growth. We were unable to overcome this block in the gaming world where major game companies have their own systems. There are several formal, open source, and private initiatives aimed at creating an stadards for virtual worlds. State of Stadnards will review the current efforts in the field, and identify key factors in this work. The talk cover MPEG-V, Metaverse1, Opensim, Croquet, Sun's virtual worlds, Linden's and IBM architecture group.
Meetings Meetings Meetings
Yesha will also attend Second Life Community Conference in Tampa, USA -- Sep 5,6.
Also... closer to Europe... Virtual Worlds London -- Oct 20, 21. See special note about that.
Oct 7, 8: Kick Off for Metaverse1 in Veldhoven, Veldlhoven (near Eindhoven) The Netherlands
You should have received your invitation with hotel details directly from the Metaverse1 office.
(Draft) Agenda of the Metaverse1 Kick-Off workshop
October 7
Ø 09:00 Welcome and Introduction
Ø 09:45 Consortium changes and impact (overview)
Ø 10:30 Break
Ø 11:00 Start of parallel working groups
Ø WG1: Starting the actual work è Operational Work plan
Ø WG2: Consortium changes and impact è Revision of project plan
Ø WG3: Way of Working è Project Handbook
Ø WG4: Advanced status of the standardization efforts è Input to MPEG-V
Ø 12:30 Lunch
Ø 13:30 Parallel working groups (Cont.)
Ø WG1: Starting the actual work è Operational Work plan
Ø WG2: Consortium changes and impact è Revision of project plan
Ø WG3: Way of Working è Project Handbook
Ø WG4: Advanced status of the standardization efforts è Input to MPEG-V
Ø 15:00 Break
Ø 15:30 Feedback from the Parallel working groups (4 * 15’)
Ø 16:30 Alignment discussion (preparation for WG’s in Day 2)
Ø 17:15 Concluding and plan for second day
Ø 17:30 End of first day
Dinner/ Social event
October 8
Ø 09:00 Parallel working groups (Cont. & Implementing Alignment)
Ø WG1: Starting the actual work è Operational Work plan
Ø WG2: Consortium changes and impact è Revision of project plan
Ø WG3: Way of Working è Project Handbook
Ø WG4: Advanced status of the standardization efforts è Input to MPEG-V
Ø 10:30 Break
Ø 11:00 Parallel working groups (Concluding & Finalizing)
Ø WG1: è Operational Work plan
Ø WG2: è Revision of project plan
Ø WG3: è Project Handbook
Ø WG4: è Input to MPEG-V
Ø 12:30 Lunch
Ø 13:30 Feedback from the Parallel working groups (4 * 20’)
Ø WG1: Starting the actual work è Operational Work plan
Ø WG2: Consortium changes and impact è Revision of project plan
Ø WG3: Way of Working è Project Handbook
Ø WG4: Advanced status of the standardization efforts è Input to MPEG-V
Ø 15:00 Break
Ø 15:30 Detailed planning & action plan ‘active work packages’
Ø WP1 (Use case driven requirements & State of the art overview) (30’)
Ø WP4 (Dissemination, Standardization & Exploitation) (10’)
Ø WP5 (Project Management) (10’)
Ø 16:30 Concluding, Wrap-Up and AOB
Ø 17:00 End of second day and kick-off workshopThursday, March 20, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Birth of MPEG-V (MPEG for Virtual Worlds) most of you already know, [I] started the standardization track already in ISO, the International Standardization Organization in order not to loose valuable time (pleas note that international standardization takes quite some time ..). The basis for the start of a new standard (or part of a standard) track is a ‘Context and Objectives’ document (see the first attachment) together with the request for a new standard. This has been done at the October 2007 MPEG meeting and this request for a new work item has been the subject for an international ballot. The outcome of this ballot has been published at the end of January 2008 resulting in the acceptance of the new work item. During the last MPEG meeting it has been decided that this will be positioned as an independent MPEG standard named MPEG-V (Information exchange with Virtual Worlds). This all is very positive news for us, it provides us a high level of recognition and visibility, however this also implies that we have to take this very serious and have to start working (preparing) for the actual standardization process already now. It’s the intention that at the end of the next MPEG meeting (end of April 2008) a call for requirements will be issued (responses, so the actual requirements, are expected at the next MPEG meeting end of July 2008 and will be the bases for a call for technology proposals to fulfill the requirements).